Saturday, April 27, 2013

Time Well Spent

This program  has been a wonderul journey for me. There were some curves, roadblocks and even a detour, but I made it here safely at the end of the road which is my last course in this program.  Throughout this program, I have learned how adults learn. I have also learned that communition is important when dealing with adults and last but not least I learn that we must learn about others cultures in order to help families and their children. I enjoyed reading the Gonzalez Family Story which inspired me to learn another language and become a translator in my community. This degree will help me to teach adults how to effectively work in the early childhood field. My long term goals to help each school be successful in having a 100% parental involvement at each school, that is a goal of mine. Parents must learn the importance of their input in their child's education. I will begin teaching at the Local University in the Fall and I will be able to share with others what I learned from my colleagues in this program. Thanks for sharing your experiences which has helped me to grow as as educator and teacher.

Dr. Davis and my fellow colleagues, I wish you much success in all that you do. I hope that you all do just what you sat out to do in your speech because I have already started on my journey. I look forward to seeing or even working with some of you in the future, even in post graduate courses. Dr. Davis thanks for all of your feedback it helped  tremendously, I am a better writer.. Good luck and Best Wishes to everyone.

My Contact Information:

Debra Halbert
P. O. Box 1601
Clarksdale, MS 38614

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The three organizations that stand out to me is the World Organization for Early Childhood Education, United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Nation Head Start Association and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF. I feel that these three organizations are committed to providing quality early childhood education to children and families. There are several vacancies available at  all three organizations but  the UNICEF organization  interest me the  most. I would like to apply for a Consultancy Assignment: Consultancy to support implementation of monitoring, research, field support activities of ECD. For this position you would need a Master Degree in the EC and I feel that I will be qualified as of May 2013. I feel that that I meet all of the requirements for this position such as 5 years of professional experience, knowledge and experience in ECD As a candidate you must be able to speak English. I think that I would be an asset this international organization.  I feel that the skills that they are requiring for the position, I feel I have experience working with diverse families before, I have working experience in the field of early childhood.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community:National/Federal Levels

Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Levels
I have always been a part of National Organizations that have assisted me in the work that I do as an early childhood professional. I feel that in order to work successfully with parents, staff and the community, you must be affiliated with organizations that will assist you in the work that you will be doing. I feel that the following organizations represent the work that and the Challenge Question for my capstone project. These resources will be used in m project.
National Coalition for Parent Involvement (NCPIE) I chose this organization, because of the importance that parent play in their children education. The organization provides a variety of resources for parents and teachers.
National Head Start Association (NHSA) is an organization that provides services, resources and professional development to local head start agencies to assure quality services to children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAYEC) is a program that intent is to assist programs in making sure that they provide education to children through age 8.
Job Opportunities that is available in the NAYEC that are of interest to me in the Accreditation Coordinator/ Program Coordinator both positions require a Bachelor or advance degree in early childhood education. Other skills include good oral/written communication skills. I must be able to use MS Office and work in a fast paced environment.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

I have been working the Early Childhood Education field for over 15 years. I have always been involved with organizations that promote growth and development for children.

The organizations that I feel appeal to is
 Mississippi Advocate for Public Education (MAE).
Mississippi Head Start Association (MSHA)
School Readiness Leadership Team (local organization)

I chose these organizations because I believe a quality education for all all, but I think that parent play a great role in the education of their child.  Each of these organization attempt to find strategies and goals for students and parent that will prepare them not only for the next grade but for the future.

Job Opportnities that interest me are the Pre-K Coordinator. This person is responsible for the alignment of the LEA's with the local head start, and child care facilities. I have applied for this position and wish that I get it.  I think that I bring great knowledge and insight to the position. some of the skills that I have are good written and oral communication skills, critical thinking. Thuis getting this degree has given the skills I need for this position. I am in my last course and hope that I recieve this jobe opportunity to help my community.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Finally Made It

I would like to say Thank You and I hope to see you in the next course. I have learned many new ideas and insight from each of you. I have enjoyed all the post and blogs.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Collabration in groups

Are high-performing groups hardest to leave?

I have worked in groups that are high performing groups in the Head Start where I work. I have worked close within programs in which everyone works as close as family. In the jobs in which I have worked, we have to say good-bye each year from each other. When you work together in a good way, it hard to depart from a group where you have formed a bond. The hardest group for me to leave was the job of center administrator from the center to the administrative office that was a tough decision to make.

What sorts of closing rituals have you experienced or wish you had experienced?

Closing Ritual consists of sometimes parties or goodbye ceremonies, balloon liftoff, programs and even dinner. I have had to write goodbye speeches for people when they are leaving a group or an organization.

How do you imagine that you will adjourn from the group of colleagues you have formed while working on your master's degree in this program?

I have learned that working in an online degree group, you form a closeness with the people in your group, because I can’t wait to get to see what my group has responded to me and others. Sometime you share several classes with the same colleagues. Usually at the end of a course, I always tell the entire group goodbye and hope to work with them in other courses. I always say thanks you for providing me with professional and personal insight that I can share with others.

Why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork?

 My mother always told me that closure is a good thing. I had to rely on that statement when she passed. I would not want to start of project and did not finish it, therefore the same is for talks in group or meeting, they must be closed or adjourned. Adjourning help the team or group the opportunity to say goodbye, good job, and even see you later. I have learned that adjourning means the start of something new and better.



Saturday, October 6, 2012

Communication and Conflict Management

Over the past six months I have been experiencing conflict with one of my coworkers. I have trying very hard to communicate effectively with her. All of my attempts have been unsucessfel because she thinks that she can use her authority to do want she wants to do. I tried to use listening skills with the cowoker because I have found that if you listen to people and let them know you care, you can minimize conflict. I believe that if  you show someone that you respect them and try to listen to their concerns they are going to interact and communicate with you more positively. I think that if you do not have the 3Rs in your professional  and social life you will be someone who is unsuccessful in  the work you do and in your relationships. I will continue to work on this relationship with my co-worker, I can only treat her like I want to be treated. I do do believe that this coworker know what triggers ma and she tries her best to upset me.

I have learned that “conflict is not simply an argument or a struggle, it is negative interaction between two or more independent people, rooted in some actual or perceived disagreement.” (O’Hair & Wiemann, 2012 p. 220). I believe that respect is the most important because when you are respectful to the person who you are communicating with then more and likely you are able to reciprocate and be responsive to their needs in the situation. I believe that one day, this relationships will get better. Thsi course has taught me alot on how to deal with conflicts and strategies to use.